Payment Policies


Terms & Conditions

I agree to make all payments as described above and to contact the Music Learning Band Office if other arrangements need to be made.  I will immediately inform the Music Learning Office of any changes in my address and/or phone number. I understand that Installment-Pay Plan tuition payments are due the first of each month. All payments not received by the first of each month may be subject to a $10 late fee. All returned checks will be charged an additional $25 fee and may be presented to your bank electronically for the original amount plus any and all returned check fees. Unpaid balances beyond 30 days are subject to additional fees of at least $10 per month past due. If a back-up funding source has been provided I authorize its use for past due band fees.  Accounts past due may prohibit my child’s participation in band classes and activities. In the event of an extended school closure, band classes will continue online and this agreement remains in full effect. After a detailed study of tuition costs and in consultation with legal counsel, Music Learning has adopted the policy that no refunds or transfers of tuition, deposits, or fees shall be made. While our staff is sympathetic to parents and changes in their circumstances, based on contracts which parents sign, we in turn contract with staff and incur other costs. It must, therefore, take the position that all tuition, deposits, and fees are deemed earned when this registration contract is received.  I cannot alter this agreement and my signature below accepts the payment options and choices above.  Receipt of any payment (partial or otherwise) constitutes full understanding and acceptance of all the terms of this contract.  I am looking forward to a fun year of band!  I understand that payment plans are not recurring charges, but rather a way to defer the total amount due. In the event of an extended school closure, band classes will continue online and this agreement remains in full effect. I have agreed to a payment plan for the full band tuition amount. I also understand that all payments are non-refundable, non transferrable, and band is a yearlong commitment.

Privacy Policy

Music Learning will not sell or rent your contact and billing information without your specific consent.  We collect information about you for the sole purpose of providing your child’s music and band education. We will share this information with staff members and partners who need to communicate with you in the course of providing your child’s class. Additionally, my child’s image and likeness may be used in live-streamed classes and/or  promotional material for Music Learning.  My child’s name will not be used without specific consent.

Refund Policy

After a detailed study of tuition costs and in consultation with legal counsel, Music Learning has adopted the policy that no refunds or transfers of tuition, deposits, or fees shall be made. While our staff is sympathetic to parents and changes in their circumstances, based on contracts which parents sign, we in turn contract with staff and incur other costs. It must, therefore, take the position that all tuition, deposits, and fees are deemed earned when this registration contract is received.  I understand that payment plans are not recurring charges, but rather a way to defer the total amount due. In the event of an extended school closure, band classes will continue online and this agreement remains in full effect.