Band At Christ The King Catholic School 2023 – 2024
Join us on Wednesday, September 6 at 6:30 PM in the Cafeteria for a band information & instrument rental meeting.
Returning students can click to to re-register online
Elective Band Begins Tuesday, August 15.
Concert Band begins Monday, September 11
Beginner Band begins Tuesday, September 12
Click here to learn more about Music Learning Band at Christ the King.
Band is available at 3 different levels
Beginner Band for students in 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 grade with no experience.
Concert Band for students in 5, 6, 7, or 8 grade with at least one year experience.
Elective Advanced Band for students in 6, 7, or 8 grade with at least one year experience or dual enrolled in Concert Band.
We are excited to offer an Elective Advanced Band option beginning this year for students in grades 6-8. More information will be available soon, but a few FAQ are available below.
Current as of 8/22/23
Q: How does my 4th grade student know what instrument to choose?
A: We will present a “First Day of Band” Presentation to all 4th & 5th grade students on Wednesday, August 30 during the school day. At this presentation we will introduce all the available instruments to the students. The band director will return on Friday, September 1, to answer students’ questions about the instruments prior to the parent meeting on Wednesday, September 6.
Q: Who can enroll in Elective Band?
A: Any student in 6, 7, or 8 grade who has been in band before or who is also enrolled in Concert Band. The goal of Elective Advanced Band is that this class provide a time during the regular class day for students with previous band experience. This is not the class for a beginner who has never been in band before. That being said, if a student wishes to be in Advanced Elective Band and has little experience, he or she can also join Beginning Band and also participate in Advanced Elective Band.
Q: When will Elective Band Meet?
A: During the electives period for 6, 7, and 8 grades.
Q: Band is a year-long class – will this be my only elective?
A: Not necessarily. Band will follow a year long curriculum, but students in Advanced Elective Band are automatically also enrolled and eligible for Concert Band. Students should enroll in Advanced Elective Band for Quarter 1 and are encouraged to participate for multiple quarters. Students have the option of changing electives for Quarter 2, 3, or 4 (or any combination) and also participating in Concert Band.
Q: When does Concert Band meet?
A: At this time, Concert Band remains on Monday & Wednesday mornings before school. Concert Band is ideal for a student with 1 year experience and will prepare 5th graders to join Advanced Elective Band in 6th grade.
Q. Is there a charge for Advanced Elective Band?
A. Yes, band at Christ the King remains an extra-curricular program that is parent funded. Students in Advanced Elective Band are fully enrolled in the Music Learning Band program and eligible for all Beginner, Concert, and Advanced Elective Band classes on campus, off-campus Saturday Band Enrichment classes, concert experiences, Spring Tours, Band Camps, and other Music Learning events both on campus of Christ the King and off campus.