
Pass out theory books and watch Jerry’s video lessons. They should coordinate with the books.  You can do as many or as few lessons each day as you want.

Theory Lessons 1-4

Theory Lessons 5-6

Theory Lessons 7

Theory Lessons 8-10

Theory Lesson 11

Theory Lesson 12

Have them play Concert Bb Major Scale (the first one on their page – the same one we did all last week).

Play in whole notes, then half notes, then quarter notes.

Play songs if you want – they are pretty close on Homework Blues.  Get Ready is a little tricky.

Click here for Beethoven LivesUpstairs (SchoolTube)


Pass out theory books and watch Jerry’s video lessons. They should coordinate with the books.  You can do as many or as few lessons each day as you want.

Theory Lessons 1-4

Theory Lessons 5-6

Theory Lessons 7

Theory Lessons 8-10

Theory Lesson 11

Theory Lesson 12

The Smart Board SHOULD have the warm-up still on the white board.  They play 2 measures of quarters, 2 measures of 8ths, 2 measures of 16ths, 2 measures of 8ths, 2 measures of quarters and STOP on beat 4. If they don’t stop together, do it again until they all stop together at the end.

Pass out the packets – they can play through this front to back. This is new for most of them.  You’re just counting with them we count eighths as 1 and 2 and; sixteenths as 1 e and a 2 e and a.  


Click here for Beethoven LivesUpstairs (SchoolTube)